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Jade Pocket Stone-  Endless Good Luck, Money Attracting Energy, Friendships

 Jade protective stone & brings harmony, long believed to attract good luck and good friendships. Jade helps one to release negative thoughts while soothing the mind into inspiring ideas and releasing the worry of obstacles. Jade symbolizes strength, renewal, endurance, and prosperity. It brings healing, tranquility, wisdom, and financial and spiritual growth.


  • Magical Gemstone Properties


Energy: Receptive
Element: Water
Planet: Venus & Neptune
Deities: Freyja, Kwan Yin, Maar, Buddha
Powers:  Longevity, Wisdom & Prosperity
Candle Color: Any Shade of Green


An ancient stone of the Gods, many deities have been carved in Jade. It is also said to attract love on many levels, due to its balancing of the yin/yang and the calming attributes that surround it.  Long lore of the Chinese has said that Jade is the key to longevity, having the power to actually prolong life as well. If one is to live a long life, with wealth and prosperity, it is best to accompany that life; Jade is said to offer the ability to grant those as well.


If one is to charge Jade with money attracting energy, keeping it with one, the bearer must create a positive attitude towards money, visualize oneself using money in a creative and constructive manner, and then consciously open and allow oneself to receive said money.


Placed on the Third Eye to assist in attaining not knowledge but wisdom. As well as strengthening one’s mental capacity and assist in reasoning as well as decision making.

One may cleanse Jade under running water and recharge it in an Amethyst geode.


  • Metaphysical Gemstone Properties


Jade as a gemstone has much history, being part of Asian life and philosophy for many centuries. It is most often considered a symbol of purity and serenity. It is believed to bring harmony, friendship, and to attract good luck.


Although a ‘receptive’ stone, Jade is also known for its protective abilities; warding against negative energies that may surround one.  A stone that is helpful in attaining one’s goals by instilling resourcefulness, allowing one to see past any self imposed limitations, and assisting in the manifestation of one’s dreams into the physical world.


Jade is considered a very lucky gemstone, often facilitating peace and harmony in the four aspects of one’s life: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. When these aspects work together in harmony and peace, one’s goals become easier to imagine, manifest, attain and maintain.


Said to promote courage, compassion, generosity, wealth, and longevity. To assist one in living a richer and more fulfilling life.


ADE AFFIRMATION: I am surrounded by beauty and abundance.


Ways to use your tumbled crystals:

  • Meditate with your stones. Relax your vibes and let it resonate with your energy
  • Carry it with you.  Hold it or slip it into your pocket / purse
  • Feng shui in your home
  • Create a crystal grid

You will receive 1 tumbled Jade stone and a meaning card.


Size approx. 50*40*9mm ( 2''*1.57''*0.23''). Please note that each crystal is unique, with its own beautiful characteristics, You will receive on from the picture. 

Jade Pocket Stone- Endless Good Luck, Money Attracting Energy, Friendships


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