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Jezebel Oil- Control & Obtain the Things You Want or Need

Jezebel Oil- Control & Obtain the Things You Want or Need


Bewitch, persuade, and set lust on fire with Jezebel Oil, a traditional Hoodoo blend perfect for attracting and enchanting a wealthy man or drawing in successful business ventures. The Conjured Saint Jezebel Oil is a secret formula which, when used by a woman, can cause any male to do her bidding. It is also the perfect recipe to bring you success in all that you desire. Use it to return a lover to you, draw in new love, attract money, get attention, or bring prosperity via a raise or promotion at work. Inspired by the famous seductress Jezebel, this oil is powerfully persuasive and will work its charms on anyone you come into contact with.


The Conjured Saint Jezebel Oil is made with Palma Christi, Bergamot, Ginger, Dark Musk, and more to generate an intoxicating scent and persuade those around you to bend to your will. It can be worn on the body, dabbed onto important business documents or bank statements, applied to a sensual bath taken alone or with a lover, or used to bless magickal objects. 


Simple Attraction Spell


You Will Need:

Jezebel Oil

Red Candle




Best performed on a Thursday to represent power or a Friday to represent lust, this simple attraction spell is designed to bring your desires to fruition. It is important to use a red candle, as red is the color used in spellcasting for lust, strength, and career goals; therefore, it is all-encompassing and works in perfect harmony with Jezebel Oil.


Write your desires on the paper and then fold it towards you in half. Turn the paper and fold it towards you in half again. Place the paper under your candle, which should be in a secure base. Anoint your candle with Jezebel Oil, starting from the center of the candle and pulling the oil up to the wick. Light the candle and repeat Psalm 119:


“Blessed are those whose ways are blameless,
    who walk according to the law of the Lord.
Blessed are those who keep his statutes
    and seek him with all their heart—
they do no wrong
    but follow his ways.
You have laid down precepts
    that are to be fully obeyed.
Oh, that my ways were steadfast
    in obeying your decrees!
 Then I would not be put to shame
    when I consider all your commands.
I will praise you with an upright heart
    as I learn your righteous laws.
I will obey your decrees;
    do not utterly forsake me.”



“This is my first time ordering with The Conjured Saint and OMG, I’m a customer for life! I got a bunch of oils and so far, I’ve used the Jezebel Oil. My husband, who is normally nagging me and on my case about something, has completely stopped and is sweet as pie since I started using it. Also, he’s got a pretty tight death grip on the bank account and is constantly saying how I need to not spend money, we need to save for this, and save for that, and he has been basically throwing money at me. I highly recommend Jezebel Oil, where you got a man or not. It’s straight magic!” -Ann


“I got my oils today and I immediately put on Jezebel and Money and immediately, everyone was telling me how good I smelled and intrigued by anything I said. The first call I took (I work at a dealership), resulted in an appointment. I am floored and grateful I found The Conjured Saint! I am so excited for what is to come.” -Bella

Jezebel Oil- Control & Obtain the Things You Want or Need


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    "Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow...." 


    Since your spiritual vibration led you to our Shop, you may already intuitively know that magick is never a quick or one-time fix. It depends wholly on your openness to it and the effort you make. Just like a doctor cannot give you a "magic" pill to fix all of your problems, Hoodoo and Rootwork (and other spiritual ways of life) are based on a lifestyle of maintenance.  I cannot guarantee, or even presume, that your participation in one ritual service will bring about the results that you desire. In fact, I recommend on-going prayers, offerings, and traditional methods of recognizing higher energy (Spirits, deities, ancestors, prophets, angels, etc.) to petition them for what you need, gain their favor, and show honor and respect, to maximize manifestation. You attract what you put out, so taking care of yourself spiritually and physically, and being open to positive vibrations, is also imperative to channeling the energy flow needed to achieve your goals. As a spiritual practitioner, I value helping you improve your life and open your heart and soul to blessings. I am honored to work with you and provide guidance and clarity on your journey.


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