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Magician Tarot Candle- Mastery, Ability to Manifest. Creative Power. Blessings

The Magician Tarot Candle is meant to be used as a powerful tool to help and assist you on your manifestation journey.


The Magician candle description:
The Magician stands with his right hand pointed towards heaven and his left hand towards the Earth, representing “On Earth as it is in Heaven.” He holds a double-pointed wand so the energy can flow in both directions – as above so below, as below so above.  The wand is a symbol of magic and power.  His white headband conveys the power of positive thinking and the infinity symbol above his head implies his connection to the Holy Spirit.  His white garment represents his pure intention and the red robe the courage to take action.  On the table are all the tools of his trade – the cup for imagination, the sword for ideas, the wand for enthusiasm, and the pentacle for the material.  Surrounding him are red roses for passion and white lilies for faith.

Meaning upright:
Ability to manifest. Creative Power. Turning your ideas into reality.

I am a divine manifestor.  I stay focused on what I want and I manifest it.  As I follow my bliss all doors open for me.  Wonderful opportunities come my way.  I Trust my ability to manifest my desires and the divine timing of it.

8.5oz Magician Tarot Candle-NOTES Palo Santo, Fir, & Copal.


INGREDIENTS Cotton wick, GMM-free soy wax, organic coconut oil, organic botanicals, High John the Conqueror root, mica, proprietary blend of organic essential oils encasing a crystal charged under the full moon.


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Magician Tarot Candle- Mastery, Ability to Manifest. Creative Power. Blessings

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