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Manifest WEALTH Crystal Bracelet- Money Magic, $$$, Advanced Manifestation

MANIFEST the wealth, money and success you desire using this spiritually charged bracelet as a tool. Abide by the Law of Attraction. Wearing this jewelry, focus your intentions while sending only positive thoughts of abundance and wealth to the universe.

Made with Tiger Eye, Citrine, Malachite, Green Aventurine, and Hematite. Each of these crystals have been spiritually charged and chosen for their different individual properties and powers, which work beautifully together for manifesting this specific type of desire. All stones are spiritually cleansed and charged prior to shipping.


After adjusting to your wrist or ankle for size allowing a comfortable fit, tie a knot in the hemp cord and cut off the excess, as it is meant to stay on for as long as you plan to use it.

CITRINE - “THE MERCHANT'S STONE” - Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Crown Chakra
For its properties of increase in the cashbox, sparkling yellow Citrine not only assists in acquiring wealth, but helps in maintaining it. It is a stone of abundance and manifestation, attracting wealth, prosperity, and success. It also encourages generosity and sharing good fortune.Natural Citrine's radiant yellow and gold energy activates, opens, and energizes the chakras, directing power, creativity, and intelligent decisiveness to enhance the physical body. Its foremost energy is to aid in MANIFESTATION. When one is totally attuned to the creative Life Force, simply clarifying, defining and projecting what is wanted will draw those purposes toward the person like a powerful magnet. It is very important to use this power of attraction only for the highest good.

Green Aventurine is thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance. Its winning energy makes it a great ally for boosting one’s chances in any situation - a first date, tax audit, even landing a promotion. One needs only to be near it to derive its benefits. Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer, used to clear and activate the Heart Chakra for general well-being and emotional calm. It is also a powerful protector of the Heart Chakra, providing a shield to block entry from those who would “tap-in” and use the energy of another.

HEMATITE - “STONE OF THE MIND” - Base Chakra, Amplifier
Hematite grounds and protects us. It strengthens our connection with the earth, making us feel safe and secure. It endows us with courage, strength, endurance and vitality. Hematite stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. Hematite utilises the magnetic qualities of our yin-yang energies to balance the meridians within the body and to provide a stable equilibrium between the ethereal nervous system and the physical nervous system. It focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit.
It also dissolves negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others. Hematite restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply, aiding blood conditions such as anaemia, supports the kidneys, regenerates tissue, and stimulates the absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells.  

MALACHITE - “THE TRANSFORMER” - Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra 
Malachite is dedicated to the Heart Chakra, and is helpful to clear and activate other chakras. Placed on the Third Eye, it activates visualization and psychic vision. Placed on the solar plexus, it facilitates deep emotional healing, releasing negative experiences and old traumas. Malachite is a protection stone, absorbing negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and from the body. It guards against radiation, and clears electromagnetic pollution. Malachite helps with cold sweats, menstrual cramps, malaria, trembling and Parkinson's disease, and helps with asthma, intestinal problems and rheumatic pain. It can strengthen memory, especially for those with short-term memory loss who forget the names of people right after hearing them. Malachite also helps treat epilepsy, travel sickness and vertigo, swollen joints, growths, tumors, torn muscles and broken bones. It enhances the immune system and stimulates the liver to release toxins. 

TIGERS EYE - “THE SHAPE SHIFTER” - Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra 
Tiger’s Eye supports physical vitality, practicality, and balance between extremes. Wear a Tiger’s Eye stone for luck and good fortune to attract a steady flow of money and for protection from the negative intentions of others. Tiger’s Eye can boost will power, emotional stability and energy levels. It reduces cravings for the wrong kind of foods and helps decrease the need for binges, excessive cigarettes, prescription drugs or alcohol. Tiger’s Eye is a blood fortifier, increasing vitality and strength, and restoring balance to the body on all levels. It is thought to boost the endocrine system, bringing one’s hormones and biochemistry back to level, and placed on the reproductive organs, may stimulate fertility and resolve issues arising from past experiences. Tiger’s Eye placed on either side of the head energetically rebalances the brain’s hemispheres, and as this stone holds the energy of the sun, may relieve seasonal affective disorder and depression. It can also be effective for alleviating nightmares.

Manifest WEALTH Crystal Bracelet- Money Magic, $$$, Advanced Manifestation


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    "Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow...." 


    Since your spiritual vibration led you to our Shop, you may already intuitively know that magick is never a quick or one-time fix. It depends wholly on your openness to it and the effort you make. Just like a doctor cannot give you a "magic" pill to fix all of your problems, Hoodoo and Rootwork (and other spiritual ways of life) are based on a lifestyle of maintenance.  I cannot guarantee, or even presume, that your participation in one ritual service will bring about the results that you desire. In fact, I recommend on-going prayers, offerings, and traditional methods of recognizing higher energy (Spirits, deities, ancestors, prophets, angels, etc.) to petition them for what you need, gain their favor, and show honor and respect, to maximize manifestation. You attract what you put out, so taking care of yourself spiritually and physically, and being open to positive vibrations, is also imperative to channeling the energy flow needed to achieve your goals. As a spiritual practitioner, I value helping you improve your life and open your heart and soul to blessings. I am honored to work with you and provide guidance and clarity on your journey.


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