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Metatron Crystal Intention Candle- Purple Ray of Intuition and Wisdom.

8oz Soy Crystal Intention Candle


Crystals: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Chalcopyrite, Fluorite, Aura Quartz


Essential Oils: Lavender Hand-poured


*All candles come with a mini selenite wand (embedded in the candle) to keep all stones within the candle cleansed and charged.


Archangel Metatron The angel of ascension. Use this angel candle to raise your vibrational energy and support your spiritual growth.


Archangel Metatron is the scribe and guardian of the Akashic Records (Book of Life). He serves on the purple ray of intuition and wisdom. Metatron is the link between the divine and the human, he encourages us to peacefully see both sides of any situation.

How Can Archangel Metratron Help Us? Archangel Metatron is known as the Angel of Life and the Angel of the Covenant, and is represented in a number of esoteric systems of knowledge.


Metatron is the archangel that you can depend upon when you are making dramatic shifts in your energetic life. As you make progress on your spiritual path, Metatron will help you raise your vibrational energy to meet the demands that you encounter.


Archangel Metatron’s special mission is to help the children of Earth as they grow into adulthood. He is specially charged with helping those who exhibit spiritual and psychic gifts, like children known as new kids, crystal children, and indigo children.


Metatron watches over all of the children in both Heaven and Earth. If your child needs help adjusting to new situations at home, in school, or in their social lives, Archangel Metatron is the archangel to call upon.


Metatron sits very close to the Throne of Divine Power working as the scribe of God. Metatron presides over the Akashic Records in which there is a record of everything that happens in the Universe.


As God’s scribe, Metatron offers a direct link between the physical world that we live in and the Divine Realm of God and the angels. Through the use of sacred geometry, namely the Merkabah cube, Metatron has unlimited power to intercede on our behalf whenever we need him.

Any of the seven archangels can guide a human being in the spiritual evolution of each person. Heaven is very organized and all celestial beings have specific work to do. Each one of these magnificent beings work for the many Rays of The Divine that exist, and each archangel has a specialty that they are dedicated to. We can invoke them according to what we need.

* **Please allow for slight variations, as crystals are natural and no two are exactly alike!**

Thanks for looking <3

Metatron Crystal Intention Candle- Purple Ray of Intuition and Wisdom.


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