The New Moon brings the opportunity to work our most powerful manifestation magick! Honoring the lunar phases is a tradition rooted in ancient spiritual and agricultural practices that began when we realized the vibrational effects that the Moon has on our psyches, bodies, and the Earth. Each stage of the lunar cycle cultivates its own unique vibrations and opportunities.
The New Moon is the best time for quiet reflection, release, and setting intentions, starting fresh, and creating goals. During this dark phase, the night sky is void of the light and guidance that our beloved Moon is known for. We are free to be our most authentic selves, with our imaginations unburdened by the pull of the Moon. We are “in our power” as much as we will ever be. Thought-seeds planted at this time will grow and our actions will create a ripple effect that will either bring us rewards or consequences, so be careful!
To participate in the New Moon ritual, Submit your petition with your intentions and goals in the “Notes” section in cart before check out. Your desires will be honored with a dressed and blessed candle and petition reading on the night of the New Moon. As always, many blessings and thank you for your patronage!
Reports can take up to a week to be sent after the service! ( Please disregard the digital download )
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