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Halloween Ritual Cauldron Burn


The energy of Samhain has ancient roots, making it the ideal time for a symbolic ritual cauldron burn!


On October 31st, The Conjured Saint will perform a Ritual Cauldron Burn Service for healing, prosperity, and blessings. This is a group service whereby we will take advantage of the thin veil between worlds to petition our ancestors and spirits. Because we will be working with powerful energy—and it will be easy to attract the attention of otherworldly energies—all petitions submitted must be positive. We cannot risk attracting negative or low-vibrating entities.


The service will be performed according to ancient tradition. It is a quick energy-drawing ritual for the season. Your petitions will be anointed with one of my proprietary oils based on your intent and burned in my authentic cauldron, along with the proper herbs, incense, roots, flowers, and oils.


Why the cauldron? Since antiquity, cauldrons have been used to prepare food, medicine, and magickal potions. Ancient civilizations with no connection to each other had their own myths, legends, and spiritual uses for the cauldron, creating cross-cultural mystical symbolism and adding power to this spiritual tool.


The cauldron is associated with a plethora of ancient goddesses across pagan belief systems and is represented in Christianity as the Holy Grail, or the Chalice used by Jesus at the Last Supper. Most notably, it represents the divine feminine and the womb. It is associated with the bowl of blood held by the Hindu Kali and other goddesses. This blood is the Wise Blood from the “Cosmic Womb,” or the place where the all-loving God resides. It has been called soma by the Hindus, red claret by the Celts, and greal by the Welsh Bards.


To participate in this ancient ritual service, please leave a brief, positive petition with what you wish to manifest, heal, or receive in your life in the Notes section upon checkout. 


1. Full name (first, middle and last - include maiden name if married)

2. Date of Birth

3. Petition Request.

4. The above information should be placed in the "message" area when checking out; IF you forget message it to me on the site the messages will automatically appear on your order.

5. To receive email reports, you must be a member of the site and subscribed to the site. 


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Ritual Petition Cauldron Burn Service- Oct 31st - Dressed Petition Burning

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