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Saint Anthony Oil- Saint of Lost Things, Miracle Worker, Impossible Causes

St. Anthony of Padua, Anthony also spelled Antony, Italian Sant’Antonio da Padova, original name Fernando Martins de Bulhões, (born 1195, Lisbon, Portugal—died June 13, 1231, Arcella, Verona [now in Italy]; canonized 1232; feast day June 13), Franciscan friar, doctor of the church, and patron of the poor. Padua and Portugal claim him as their patron saint, and he is invoked for the return of lost property.


Anthony was born into a wealthy family and was raised in the church. He joined the Augustiniancanons in 1210 and probably became a priest. In 1220 he joined the Franciscan order, hoping to preach to the Saracens (Muslims) and be martyred. On his way to Morocco, he became seriously ill and was forced to return home. However, his ship back to Portugal was blown off course and eventually landed in Sicily. Because of his continuing poor health, he was not allowed to pursue his missionary work among the Saracens. Instead, he taught theology at Bologna, Italy, and at Montpellier, Toulouse, and Puy-en-Velay in southern France, winning great admiration as a preacher. He died en route to Padua,This beloved saint died on June 13, 1231 at the age of 36. Right before his died, he went to confession, sang a hymn to the Blessed Mother, and was anointed; he was asked, “Do you see anything?” to which he replied, “I see my Lord.” Upon his death, the children of Padua ran through the streets, crying, “The holy Father is dead. St. Anthony is dead.” Thirty years after his burial, the vault was opened and his body had deteriorated to dust except for his tongue, which remained preserved and incorrupt: St. Bonaventure, took the tongue in his hands and kissed it, exclaiming, “O Blessed tongue that always praised the Lord, and made others bless Him, now it is evident what great merit thou hast before God.” Moreover, to this day, many faithful have received miracles at the tomb of St. Anthony in Padua. Pope Pius XII declared St. Anthony a Doctor of the Church on January 16, 1946. His apostolic letter began as follows: “Exult, happy Portugal, rejoice, happy Padua; for you have given birth for earth and Heaven to a shining star, a man who has illuminated and still dazzles with a radiant light the whole earth, not only by holiness of life and fame of miracles, but by the splendor of his celestial teaching.”


Anthony was the most celebrated of St. Francis of Assisi’s followers and had the reputation of a miracle worker. On January 16, 1946, Pope Pius XII declared him a doctor of the church. In art he is shown with a book, a heart, a flame, a lily, or the child Jesus. Among his authentic writings are sermons for Sundays and feast days, published at Padua in three volumes in 1979.


Tips For Working With St. Anthony

1.) St. Anthony's colors are brown and white.
2.) St. Anthony's day of the week is Tuesday.
3.) St. Anthony's feast day is June 13.

4.) St. Anthony is a "cool spirit" meaning he is loving and kind and slow to anger. St. Anthony will generally tolerate delays in fulfilling one's vow to him but he should not be petitioned for his aid further until one does fulfill their vows.

5.) St. Anthony cannot be petitioned for black magic purposes. He will not harm or hurt anyone. He will rack the minds of thieves with guilt and even scare them into returning stolen items though. St. Anthony is not good for protection for anyone other than children and the poor.

6.) St. Anthony loves children. This probably stems from his images of him holding the Christ child. He is a strong protector of children as well as the poor. 

7.) St. Anthony can be quite lethargic or even lazy at times. Practitioners may need to do things to wake him up and keep him working. One of the things that practitioners can do is to offer him a glass of cold water and then use one's fingers to fling some cold water on his statue or image to wake him up. Another thing practitioners can do is to keep candles burning to him at night so that he can't sleep. Additionally one may want to bring his image out and place it in a well-trafficked portion of the home with a lot of noise and activity so that he can't nap during the day. There are other and more "meaner" practices which I will touch on below.

8.) St. Anthony's favorite offerings are water, bread, salt, olive oil, candles, incense, and white lilies. Do not offer him alcohol as it offends him or else is said to make him drunk so that he won't work for you. Do not offer St. Anthony any coins as he took a vow of poverty. When offering bread before he fulfills your petition then only give him a pinch of bread. If you feed him to much he will get full and will not work for you. 

9.) To work with St. Anthony one will need a statue or picture of him. If one is using a novenacandle then the image on the candle will suffice. One will also need a brown or white candle. Again, if one is using a novena candle then an additional candle is not necessary. One will need St. Anthony Oil, Holy Oil, or Olive oil, and St. Anthony Incense or Frankincense. One will also need a glass of water. Cleanse the workspace with Florida Water or Rubbing Alcohol. Do not use Whisky or any type of alcohol to cleanse the workspace. Fix the candle and set it down on the workspace. Light the incense and set the glass of water down. One can then place a pinch of bread and a pinch of salt in front of the novena if one prefers. One will then need to pray a prayer to St. Anthony, either in one's own words or a standard prayer.When the novena is done, place all the left-over items into the empty novena glass and take it to the crossroads. Set it down and then walk away and don't look back.

10. As far as vows go and in addition to his favorite offerings, St. Anthony prefers vows of donations to charities for children and the poor. 

11.) There are a couple of rather mean tricks that can be used if St. Anthony is too lethargic or is slow in working. This first mean trick is to purchase a statue of him with a removable Christ child baby. For That way, when petitioning him one will remove the baby and hide it somewhere and then tell St. Anthony he will get his baby back when the petition is granted. St. Anthony loves children and the loss of the child will stress him and make him work faster. The second mean option is to turn his statue upside down. One tells St. Anthony that one will turn his statue right-side-up when the petition is granted. Again, this is done to stress the saint and to get him working faster.

12.) If St. Anthony works for you then make sure to keep your vow to him and tell at least one other person.


Thank you for looking.

Saint Anthony Oil- Saint of Lost Things, Miracle Worker, Impossible Causes


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