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Spell Candles | Taper | Fuck Outta Here | Vibrational

These are our handcrafted taper style spell candles that are fully loaded with our magical formulas, spell oils, botanical blends and magick all corresponding with specific magical intentions. HEX BREAK | REMOVES WITCHCRAFT | VIBRATIONAL RESET | LIMPIA | MAL OJO REMOVAL | PURGE Concocted with a beautiful blend of traditional elements & ingredients that have been used for centuries in Mexican folk magic when performing a limpia or ritualistic cleanse of the spirit. This formula amplifies the energies of protection and vibrational purging of the body and spirit. Focusing on removing the things that do not serve us and any malice thrown our way. Use to remove unwanted stale, stagnant, or negative energies from self and space.


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One candle. 

Spell Candles | Taper | Fuck Outta Here | Vibrational


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